
آخر الأخبار

جاري التحميل ...

كيفية انشاء ايميل جامعي

هناك العديد من مستخدمي الهواتف والتكنولوجيا يدركون مامعني الايميل الجامعي لكن هناك العديد من المستخدمين لايعرفون ماهو الايميل الجامعي ....

هل هناك اختلاف بينه و بين الايميل العادي ؟؟
ومايمبزة عن الايميل العادي؟؟

الايميل الجامعي لا يختلف عن الايميل العادي ويمكن ارسال واستقبال الرسائلة منه ولكن الايميل الجامعي ينتهي ب .edu

وهذا لان الايميل او مستخدم الايميل منتسب الي جامعة ما في امريكا او غيرها وبالتالي يجب ان يكون لديه ايميل جامعي وله الحق في التخفيضات علي اشياء كثيرة اذا اراد شرائها

ايضا هناك العديد من المستخدمين يبحثون عنه وبمالغ مالية
لكن اليوم سنتعرف علي كيفية انشاء ايميل جامعي
كل ماتحتاجه انت تفتح المواقع التالية




There are many phone and technology users who understand what a university email means, but there are many users who do not know what a university email is ....

Is there a difference between it and the regular email ??

And what distinguishes it from the regular email ??

University email does not differ from the regular email, and the message can be sent and received from it, but the university email ends with .edu

This is because the e-mail or the user of the e-mail is affiliated with a university in America or elsewhere, and therefore he must have a university e-mail and has the right to discounts on many things if he wants to buy them.

Also there are many users looking for it and with money

But today we will learn how to create a university email

All you need is to open the following sites



Please wait for the video to upload to see the method .....
  1. You should see how my colleague Wesley Virgin's adventure starts in this SHOCKING AND CONTROVERSIAL VIDEO.

    Wesley was in the army-and shortly after leaving-he found hidden, "SELF MIND CONTROL" tactics that the government and others used to obtain whatever they want.

    As it turns out, these are the same methods many celebrities (notably those who "come out of nothing") and top business people used to become wealthy and successful.

    You probably know that you utilize only 10% of your brain.

    Mostly, that's because most of your brain's power is UNCONSCIOUS.

    Maybe this expression has even taken place INSIDE OF YOUR very own head... as it did in my good friend Wesley Virgin's head 7 years back, while riding an unregistered, beat-up trash bucket of a vehicle without a driver's license and $3.20 in his pocket.

    "I'm very frustrated with living check to check! When will I become successful?"

    You've been a part of those those questions, isn't it so?

    Your success story is going to start. Go and take a leap of faith in YOURSELF.




إذا أعجبك محتوى مدونتنا نتمنى البقاء على تواصل دائم ، فقط قم بإدخال بريدك الإلكتروني للإشتراك في بريد المدونة السريع ليصلك جديد المدونة أولاً بأول ، كما يمكنك إرسال رساله بالضغط على الزر المجاور ...

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احمد سعيد _ Ahmedsaieed